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Hello 👋, I hope you are doing fantastic!

My name is Harit Himanshu. I have been writing Software since 2005 (over 16 years). I have undergraduate and graduate degrees, both in Computer Science.

I have lived and worked in India, San Francisco Bay Area, New Zealand, and Canada . I started my remote journey since 2017.

I have worked with companies such as Oracle, Yahoo, and VMWare and also with multiple startups such as SunRun, Skyhigh, Nomis Solution among others. I have my contributions in FinTech, EdTech, CleanTech, Software Security and other SaaS industries.

So far, in addition to software development, I have created many artifacts in my career such as

  1. Created moneybonsai which is a personal finance application for individuals to track, and plan their spendings.
  2. Created 11+ online courses with Pluralsight as an author which is viewed by over 30,000 learners around the world.
  3. Created our own platform called bonsaiilabs (with my partner). Some of the things that I have achieved include
    1. Created FREE and paid software development courses. I learned a lot about Marketing and value in partnerships.
    2. Created Youtube channel called bonsaiilabs that has more than 2000 subscribers
    3. Developed and shipped software for various tech startups
    4. Consulted Founders, CEOs to learn about their problem space and presented technical solution with possible architectures.
    5. Conducting technical interviews
    6. Mentored individuals, and engineers in various areas such as
      1. Teaching JavaScript / React, and Web Development in general. This includes presentations, pair-programming sessions, and take-home quizzes.
      2. Become productive by teaching development process, how to break problems, and achieving speed in their daily coding tasks

Currently, I work in the capacity of a Software Architect. Some of my responsibilities include (but are not limited to)

  1. Work with Product Management to gain clarity on what needs to be developed. This includes defining the Acceptance criteria and "Definition of Done"
  2. Create software development systems so that team can develop and ship smoothly, and with confidence. This includes setting up code reviews, CI/CD, testing (unit, integration), linters, and alerts (email/slack)
  3. Develop new features, create Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs), and solve high-priority issues that affects customers.
  4. Work with CTO, Engineering Directors, Engineering Managers to ensure that software architecture is up to date with today's business needs. I assess risks involved when business needs change, and present plans with action items and realistic timelines.
  5. Create high-quality technical documentation about software architecture and hands-on getting started and how-to pages. These include various modalities such as text, code, images, videos and demos.
  6. Work with business stakeholders to present demo of working software, record product feature videos, gather feedback and work with Product Management to prioritize them, hence completing the entire software development lifecycle.



